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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

Common questions about our ALLE Ambassadors Program.

Go through the list we’ve provided, but if anything is still unclear, get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Smiling Student

How do I apply? 

Obtain 2 letters of recommendation, complete the application on this website or the one here:

Wait for one fo the ALLE Steering Committee members to get back with you to schedule an interview! 

Do I have to be a member to participate?

Yes. All of our sessions, meetings, and trainings are intended solely for ALLE Ambassadors(and sometimes their families)

How often do ALLE Ambassadors meet?

ALLE Ambassadors will have meetings 1-2 times a month - depending on the month. 

To be accepted as an ALLE, you must commit to attending all meetings during the school year of the cohort you have been accepted for. 

What is the schedule for ALLE meetings? 

ALLE Ambassadors will meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of EVERY month - September -April (with the exception of Dec, Jan and April)

September - 1st meeting (1st Monday of the month) - Meet and Greet; 2nd meeting (3rd Monday of the month)- Leadership

October - 4th meeting (1st Monday of the month)- Session 2 - Asynchrony Scales; 5th meeting (3rd Monday of the month) - Session 3 - Defining teen violence and risk factors

November - 6th meeting (1st Monday of the month) - Session 4 - Teen dating violence and healthy relationships 

7th meeting (3rd Monday of the month) - Session 5 - Substance Abuse and Prevention 

December - only ONE meeting - Holiday Party - 1st Monday of the month

January - 9th meeting (Date to be determined) - Volunteer project that the Ambassadors choose; 10th meeting (3rd Monday of the month) - Retreat for Ambassadors

February and March - all 4 meetings(1st and 3rd Mondays) - topics the ambassadors have identified they want

April - 15th meeting (1st Monday of the month) - Session 6 - Recaps on all sessions; 16th meeting (3rd Monday of the month) - Graduation 

What are the Qualifications? 


  • Candidates for selection must be currently enrolled in a Hamilton County high school as a Junior or Senior. 

  • Have a sincere interest in serving the community and demonstrate leadership potential.

  • Be able to commit to monthly (or bi-monthly) ALLE meetings. 

  • Be referred by a counselor or teacher from their school

  • Have 2 referral/recommendation letters from someone in their life

What can I expect after applying? 

One of the Steering Committee Team Members will contact you via email and set up an interview. 

If you have not also submitted 2 letters of recommendation and your Resume, they will ask for that as well. 

After your interview, you will receive an acceptance letter if you have been accepted. 


What can I expect after being accepted? 

You will receive an email with pertinent information regarding the ALLE schedule, expectations and a Handbook with waivers to sign. 

You will be expected to commit to attending all scheduled events. 

You will receive a binder with the schedule and information for each session that you are to bring to every meeting. 

What are the monthly meetings like? 

At each meeting, you will learn concepts around that week's topic. 

You will be given printed information on that topic for your binder, which you are to bring to every meeting. 

Dinner(Pizza), snacks, and drinks will be provided at each meeting. 

The volunteer day will be offsite and family members will be encouraged to participate. 

Graduation will include light snacks (no dinner) and family is welcome to attend. 

What happens if I have to miss a meeting? 

You are expected to attend all meetings. However, we know life happens and sometimes it is not possible.

In which case, if you miss a meeting, you will be expected to watch the recording of the session missed.

If two sessions are missed, you will be expected to have a meeting with a Steering Committee Member to discuss why meetings are being missed. At which point, that Steering Committee Member will determine if you must resign your spot as an Ambassador, or that you can remain part of the cohort. 

If you miss a 3rd meeting after that, you will be asked to resign from the cohort. 

What are the benefits of being an ALLE Ambassador? 

Strengthen your scholarship and college applications. 

Earn community volunteer hours. 

Network with professionals who can give you references and letters of recommendations. 

Gain leadership and intervention skills. 

Meet new people, make new friendships. 

Increase self-confidence and self-awareness. 

Free dinner at every meeting. 

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